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Tiffany Lyons, MBA

Service and curiosity have been my driving forces since before I can remember. I ask more questions than most people consider strictly appropriate (yes, this gets me in trouble sometimes), however, this has slowly evolved into my super power.  This has enabled me to get beneath the surface of how and why people do the things they do, be resilient in the face of failure, and win when others have told me not to even try.

My favorite and most humbling compliment, “wow, you ask really good questions”!

The most important questions…

It was NYE 2019 and I was on the floor in tears, exhausted, and without hope. I had spent my career fighting for people, a bigger mission, and other people’s agendas. I’d been layed off twice and barely hung on when my former business partner decided to pull a fast one trying to take my company and I was just done.

It felt like I had NOTHING left to give and if I couldn’t GIVE then I no longer had an excuse to exist. I’d been pushing and earning and drowning in silence my entire life. It was never going to be ENOUGH. So I asked myself;

Was I going to give up?

Was I ever going to find a way to BE ENOUGH?

Most importantly, what was I willing to do to never ever end up on the floor like this again? 

Everything I have done from that day until now has been in the service of finding those answers for myself and creating ways to support women so they never end up on that floor alone and without those answers.

I could talk about my degrees, the companies I’ve brought back to life, and the millions I’ve made them but here’s the MOST important thing for you take from this page…

YOU are worthy of your dreams. YOU have value knit into every beautifully unique fiber of your being and YOUR existence IS THE VALUE. You can’t EARN it but you can learn to use it to MAXIMUM IMPACT.


My Mission

“Love; gentle yet powerful, committed, active, full-out, and empowering.”

It’s a Lifestyle

Work With Me
